The purpose of the simExchange is to aggregate information relating to new video games and provide a learning experience for gamers interested in the stock market. Disrupting this goal in any way, such as artificially boosting prices to make a game look like it will sell better, manipulating voting, repeatedly buying and selling a stock to boost its trading volume, etc., is unwelcome and such perpetrators will be banned. This activity hurts the experience for the many committed players who spend time researching video games and sharing their opinion with the community. It also skews the informative nature of the site for people using it as a data source on video game performance.
It is my goal that the simExchange can be a useful learning tool for gamers who want an entertaining way to learn more about the stock market as investing is a necessary skill for everyone. However, you will not be able to improve your ability to evaluate investments if you rely on creating fictional accounts or having your friends bid up a stock. For the purpose of the game, you will also be fined or banned so cheating will neither pay off in the short-term or long-term.
If your portfolio is underperforming, rather than creating a fake account to artificially boost those stocks, rethink what is going wrong with your investments. If your stocks are not moving, it may be wise to cut down the size of those investments and reinvest the capital in stocks the community is currently trading (this does not necessarily mean buy whatever everyone else is buying). You can also post in the forum why you think the game deserves attention or submits news on the game that will draw the attention of other traders. Naturally, if there is no news regarding a game, people's opinions will likely remain unchanged.
If the stock is not moving the way you think it should, figure out why the market is trading the other way. Listen to what other traders are saying and read the recent news relating to the game. Maybe this will change your opinion. If not, you can double down by investing more in the stock and explain why you think the stock should go the other way.
Another tip is to diversify your portfolio. Do not invest all your eggs in one basket! This will also make your investing experience more interesting so that you are not completely invested in a few games that no one else is currently looking at.
You will find many similar situations in the real stock market so rather than doing something that is impossible in the real stock market (creating more accounts), try a solution that could work in the real stock market.