You can now quickly add any blog post to Digg,, Facebook, and Newsvine. Links for Digg,, and Facebook are provided on the main blog page. To add a story to Newsvine, you will have to navigate to the blog’s permanent link page. You can now also favorite the simExchange on Technorati by clicking the button on the upper right under the RSS feed.
For those who don't know, Digg is a news site where users submit news stories on just about anything and other users digg stories they like to signify the value of the story (much like how user submitted content works on the simExchange, except without DKP bidding). is a system of social bookmarks. You add a webpages you like as a bookmark and it will be shared with the community based on the tags you give the bookmark.
Sharing a webpage on Facebook lets all your Facebook friends know you've found something cool (hopefully everything on the simExchange).
Newsvine is a user run news system where users determine the importance of news stories and discuss them.