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Theme Park DS to IPO on March 28

Electronic Arts’ (NASDAQ: ERTS) Theme Park DS for the DS will debut on the simExchange on Wednesday, March 28, 2007. It will be categorized under the Strategy genre. Shares will open for purchase at 60 DKP (forecasts 600,000 copies sold worldwide over lifetime).

Theme Park DS is a remake of the 1994 PC game Theme Park. You create a theme park from the ground up with attractions and shops to entertain your paying customers. As the boss of the park, you will also need to manage the fees, rides, inventory, shops as well as the working staff, while researching for new attractions for your visitors.

Theme Park DS uses both screens to keep you updated and in the action at all times, and Wi-Fi connectivity allows you to unlock more attractions as well as exchange messages with other players and visit their parks.

The game was released in Japan on March 15, 2007 and in North America on March 20, 2007. The listing was submitted by Jayen.

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