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Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace to IPO on April 24

Marvelous Interactive’s Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace for the Wii will debut on the simExchange on Tuesday, April 24, 2007. The game will be categorized under the Strategy genre. Shares will open for purchase at 50 DKP (forecasts 500,000 copies sold worldwide over lifetime).

Harvest Moon is a series of farm simulation games that date back to the SNES release in 1997. You plant seeds, grow crops, maintain a home, and build personal relationships with the townspeople.

Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace, the Wii installment of the series, continues the same formula as that has been successful over the years. You move your character and navigate the menu using the nunchuk. You use the Wii-mote to perform actions such as hoeing your farmland—in true hoeing action. Other examples are shaking the Wii-mote to plant seeds.

The game is scheduled for release in Japan on June 7, 2007. The listing was submitted by Renegade242, championed by Simulazn, Jayen, Csinning, and Starless.

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