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IPOs for global lifetime stocks are back

IPOs for global lifetime stocks are back. Based on user suggestions and user bids, here are some upcoming stock IPOs. Remember, each stock enters a 48-hour IPO Phase 1 in which there is no market maker providing prices. Once a market price is established, players can buy at the same price all day in IPO Phase 2. If you want a game listed for trading, be sure to bid for it in the Unlisted Games section.

October 18, Thursday: Electronic Art's Need for Speed Prostreet (PS3) and Need for Speed Prostreet (Xbox 360). The games were submitted by Joe80 and SyrinxPriest.

October 19, Friday: Konami's Contra 4 (DS). The game was submitted by frogcrusher.

October 20, Saturday: Sierra's Geometry Wars: Galaxies (Wii). The game was submitted by Laoldar.

October 21, Sunday: Nintendo's Mario Party (DS). The game was submitted by Laoldar.

October 22, Monday: Sony's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3) The game was submitted by Jess__.