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More GLS Stocks

We are reshifting our focus back to GLS Stocks. Part of the goal of the simExchange is to provide useful data for the industry. What we have learned is that prediction data is really only useful to developers before the game comes out. Currently, our trading is focused to near release and after the game comes out. From now on, we will only be listing games that are coming out at least 4 months away. We will be more aggressive to delist games so that traders don't focus capital on predicting games that have already been out for a long time.

Most GLS Stocks will also have an accompanying Metacritic Future.

The following are upcoming GLS Stock IPOs. Remember, each stock enters a 48-hour IPO Phase 1 in which there is no market maker providing prices. Advanced trading mode is required to place orders in IPO Phase 1. After IPO Phase 1, the futures contracts will enter IPO Phase 2 in which the bid and ask prices will be fixed all day.

If you want a game listed for trading, be sure to bid for it in the Unlisted Games section.