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Changes to Forum

To make discussions easier to follow, we have made a change to the forum system.

Clicking on a game title on the thread view page will now only bring up those comments directly related to the game, and not those comments posted for articles on the game. This should make the game thread easier to follow.

The same change has been made to company links on the thread view page. Clicking on the company name will take you to the main thread of comments on the company or company's stock, rather than including comments for articles on the company.

Clicking on the "Industry News" headings will now take you to the Industry News page rather than a page aggregating comments related to Industry News articles.

Choosing a company's channel in the Community section sidebar will now take you to the company's discussion thread, rather than the company page itself. Choosing a company's channel in the Game News section sidebar will now take you to a page showing the company's articles, rather than the company page itself.

We are working on a new feature to allow users to create their own threads to better organize specific topics. Stay tuned.