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How many copies will Alan Wake sell in the US in May?
(05/2/10 - 05/29/10)

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What Metascore will Alan Wake receive?
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PublisherMicrosoft Game Studios StudioRemedy Entertainment GenreAdventure
Release Dates05/18/10TBA05/21/10TBA

Alan Wake tells the story of a best selling horror author whom based his first book on strange dreams he had prior to meeting his fiancé. His book is a success but his fiancé mysteriously vanishes. Wake is devastated and suffers from insomnia. He moves out to a small town in Washington state where he gets treatment from a sleep clinic. Wake meets a woman who is the spitting image of his fiancé and his dreams return, inspiring him to write a second book. However, as he writes, the town begins to change and resemble the horror story he is writing.

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